• Version 0.1.230806 has been released

    And here’s the latest update – this was a bit of a slow month due to some real life stuff, and the continued slow march to a more open beta moves on as more art is replaced. I’ve already got a commission out for new art for the jailer character, and just a few backgrounds…

  • New Website Online

    If you’re reading this, you’ve found yourself at the new online home for PSK! After having been chided at not having a real web presence for the game, I spent some time and put something basic together for now. With the new update I will try to make sure I have visuals for the patches…

  • Version 0.1.230611a has been released

    – Fixed a game breaking bug in the resist missionary scene.  Whoops. – Clicking on the + in 18+ on the title screen now gives a bonus when starting the game.  Hat tip to Seronis for the easter egg idea.

  • Version 0.1.230611 has been released

    Version 0.1.230611 has been released

    Exactly one year ago today I started PSK.  As such, here is the obligatory update.  I had hoped to get a more public release out by now, but I still have a few art assets to update before that happens. – More background image updates:  Tunnels, Cell, both intro images, and the MC’s Room have…

  • Version 0.1.230424 has been released

    – Added a framework for users to create (non-character) mods:  A folder to put them in, an example of one such mod replacing text within the game and a settings page specifically for turning those mods off and on within the game.– The replacement of Maria Owaza as the default slave is underway (she’s being…

  • Version 0.1.230320 has been released

     – Added page count to the tunnels so it’s easier to track where you are.   – [BUG] Removed a duplicate false_maiden trait from showing up in the traits list.   – I’ve made a slight adjustment to the way the Main Character’s name variable works so that if you change it, then reload an…

  • Version 0.1.230223 has been released

    – I have completely rebuilt the way slaves are stored in game. Huge back end changes that should show few if any differences for players, but as a side bonus you can now have an unlimited number of slaves instead of the previous limit of 35. If you see errors or crashes, let me know.…

  • Version 0.1.230118 has been released

    – Added the option to delete all persistent (non-save) data form the preferences screen – Adjusted it so births take place at week 36 out of a 40 week window (4 weeks of Post-Partum occur). – Oh, I added births. Oh boy, was that a lot of work. – The MILF trait does something now!…

  • Version 0.1.230110 has been released

    – Many spelling mistakes have been corrected! – Corrected an issue with pregnancy reporting for weeks 8 to 14. – Added the Fat Merchant in town, who sells gifts that will increase the love/reduce the hate for your slaves! (Also added to the cheat menu) – Migrated over to the renpy.notify system to update users…